The Egyptian Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is an ancient ritual plant, considered aphrodisiac, dream-enhancing and sedative depending on the use, the dosage, and combination with other plants
Blue Lotus ~ Nymphaea caerulea

Name: Blue Lotus
Other names: Blue water lily, Egyptian Lotus
Binomial name: Nymphaea caerulea – Savigny
Distribution: sub-Saharan Africa
Tradition and mythology
The Egyptian culture is deeply connected with the Blue Lotus: according to the mythology, Nefertum, the Egyptian god of perfume and aromatherapy, was born from a blue lotus bud that emerged from the waters of Nun at the beginning of creation. This god is deeply associated with Nymphea caerulea, the Blue Lotus and based on one ancient legend
“Nefertum brought a bouquet of beautiful lotuses to the aging Ra to ease his suffering“I,
The belief that this plant has healing properties is deeply rooted in popular tradition, where this flower was used for many purposes, as medicine and aphrodisiac, as a ritual herb during the ceremony or just as a beautiful ornament. According to Emboen (1989), the Blue Lotus is part of the Egyptian healing and shamanistic rituals since the 14th century B.C.(1)(2)

Benefits of Blue Lotus
The effect changes according to the dosage, from sedative to mild stimulant, is good for relieving anxiety, and is a traditional aphrodisiac.
- Sedative and narcotic
- Aphrodisiac
– increase sexual desires
– prevents erectile dysfunction - Anti-anxiety
- Antioxidant
- Mild-stimulant

Apomorphine: one alkaloid for many uses
The plant contains apomorphine, a powerful alkaloid already well-known to the ancient Egyptians and with a large use in their traditional medicine.
Apomorphine is a dopamine receptor agonist and activates serotonin receptors and α-adrenergic receptors. This substance has been used for the treatment of various health disorders as(3):
- Insomnia, depression, schizofrenia
- Erectile dysfunction
- Alcohol and morphine addiction
- Treatment of Parkinson’s disease

Herbal tea with Blue lotus
One of the most popular way to consume Blue Lotus is preparing a herbal tea. The suggested dose is 1 to 5 grams of Blue Lotus for each person. Leave in infusion for 5-6 min in hot water. Blue Lotus is a mild stimulant in low dosage and sedative in higher dosage. The taste is bitter and herbaceous.

Wine with Blue Lotus
Is theorized that Egyptians used to soak Blue Lotus flower in wine, to obtain a stronger drink.
“Harer (1985) suggested that the Egyptians used the blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) and white lotus (Nymphaea lotus) as intoxicants in a recreational context. He proposed that the flowers of these plants were immersed in wine to extract active alkaloids into a fortified (more intoxicating) drink.”
Rosalie Ann David – Egyptian Mummies and Modern Science 2008
You can read more about this topic here:

Vaporizing Blue Lotus
Is possible to consume the flower or the extract in a vaporizer. Users describe the effects of Blue Lotus as dreamlike, euphoric, and relaxing(II).
DOSE: for beginners is suggested less than 0,1 grams
TEMPERATURE of vaping: 100 – 125 °C
Trade information
Possibly illegal in some countries, Latvia, Poland, and Russia, although cultivation as an ornamental is common throughout the world(4)

(1)- Emboden, W. 1989. The sacred journey in dynastic Egypt: Shamanistic trance in the context of the narcotic water lily and the mandrake. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 21:61–75.
(2)- Justin L. Poklis, Haley A. Mulder, Matthew S. Halquist, Carl E. Wolf, Alphonse Poklis & Michelle R. Peace (2017) The Blue Lotus Flower (Nymphea caerulea) Resin Used in a New Type of Electronic Cigarette, the Re-Buildable Dripping Atomizer, Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 49:3, 175-181
(3)- LeWitt, P. A. 2004. Subcutaneously administered apomorphine: Pharmacokinetics and metabolism. Neurology 62 (Suppl. 4):S8–S11.
(4) – Carel B. Oosthuizen, Matthew Fisher, Namrita Lall – Nymphea caerulea – Underexplored Medicinal Plants from Sub-Saharan Africa
(I) – https://ancientegyptonline.co.uk/nefertum/
(II) – https://azarius.pt/academy/azarius-blog/trip-guide-vaporizing-blue-lotus